Battery Drain and Paranormal Phenomena
It is common knowledge among paranormal investigators that ghosts drain batteries. In reality, it's more likely that I placed a weak...

Buying Ghost Hunting Equipment
For the beginning ghost hunter, the cost of equipping yourself can be staggering. My advice is to be frugal. You don’t need to buy...

What should I do if my house is haunted?
I get asked this question a lot from my tour guests: “What should I do if I see a ghost?” The first thing is not to panic. I know it’s...

What is a Poltergeist?
As a paranormal investigator, a poltergeist is any haunting that shows a level of cognizance. In short, any spirit that can interact in...

My Personal Views on Paranormal Investigation
Long ago I realized that it was a futile effort to prove the existence of the paranormal.

The Jarrot Mansion, One of the Most Haunted Houses in Southern Illinois
The Jarrot Mansion in Cahokia, Illinois, was completed by Nicholas Jarrot in 1807. Built by slaves, the Jarrot Mansion is the oldest...

The Martin Boismenue House in Dupo, Illinois
The Martin Boismenue House in North Dupo, Illinois was built in 1790 and is one of the oldest structures in Southern Illinois. The simple...

Lambert Airport's Haunted D-Concourse
I worked at Lambert Airport for some years, and in my experience, the D Concourse at night was a very creepy place. Built in the early...

The 7 Gates of Hell and the Trapped Spirit of a Young Girl
In the 1990’s a group of teenagers was traveling through the Seven Gates of Hell located just outside of Collinsville, Illinois. The...

The Tradition of the Fox Theater's Ghost Light and Haunting.
Whether due to superstition or as a safety measure, many theatres have what is called a “ghost light” (the Fox Theatre has two). The...